Course Syllabus

Journalism/Website Development Elective

Mesa Middle School

Mrs. Charlene Ortega

Room: 206/Zoom

School: 575.527.9510 Ext. 5318



Assignments: Canvas

User: lastname+firstname (all together) Password: lcps+lunch # (all together)

I keep in contact with parents using the Remind app. Please download the following app and put in this code to receive updates from my class and school announcements. 

or text @3kf7c33


The Newspaper and Website course is designed to give students a basic understanding of journalism, newspaper and webpage design. Students will write, edit, and layout issues of the school newspaper and website. Newspaper will be in an online version only. Students in this course do all the work for publication of each issue of the paper. Students will develop their writing abilities and editing skills by creating several articles for the school paper. Students will also develop skills in photography, graphic design and comic drawing. The course may also require some after school deadlines as well as some out-of-school time for news coverage. Celebration of meeting deadlines is a plus. Our school website will be modified and added to weekly by students in this class with an understanding of publishing and graphic design and web page development.



  1. To write effectively for a variety of audiences, purposes and occasions. 
  2. To develop skills needed for visual communication. 
  3. To develop speaking, listening, viewing and critical thinking skills. 
  4. To use current technology to enhance learning. 
  5. To produce quality issues of the school newspaper. 
  6. Practice ethical journalism. 
  7. Meet deadlines on time. 
  8. Understand, appreciate and develop skills in photojournalism.
  9. Develop Website development skills


  •  Students will experience all aspects of Journalism.
  •  Students are required to meet assigned deadlines for in class publications.
  •  Students are expected to uphold a positive and respectful attitude.
  •  All interviews are to be conducted in person, unless otherwise approved.
  • Take pride in the paper, website and staff. Please protect our reputation and privileges.
  • We are a family! Treat others with respect and dignity.
  • Maintain computer equipment, provided cameras and press passes.
  • Keep work areas clean and organized.
  • Attendance and punctuality to class and to all deadlines is required and expected.



  1. Writing utensils (PENCILS ONLY).  NO PENS!
  2. Composition notebook
  3. Flash Drive (optional, but highly recommended) 
  4. Access to a television/or newspapers for current events and editing assignments.



  1. Daily Assignments (includes daily quick starts, vocabulary, written assignments, etc…
  2. Quality completion of individual and group assignments. 
  3. Grades are based upon the effort and quality of completed work including weekly papers, online articles and daily assignments.
  4. Tests/Quizzes/Publication of work by its deadline.



  1. Students who are absent will be allowed to make up their work.  They will be given the same number of days to turn in the assignment as the number of days they were absent.  
  2. It is up to YOU, the student, to ask for make-up work and make arrangements with myself the day you come back to school.  Do not wait several days after you have returned because make-up work WILL NOT be given.
  3. Work turned in within the allotted time will receive full credit.
  4. Any late work will be docked 5% for each day that it is late.  



  1.  NO Food or Drink at the Computer Centers. There is a designated area for snacks and water.
  2.  No misuse of technology. All students will advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
  3.  Students and Guardians will be held responsible for misuse and mishandling/breaking technology equipment.
  4.  Students may not leave the room without signing out or without their journalism pass. Students may have to change classes if they cannot conduct themselves in an acceptable manner while out interviewing. 
  5.  Follow school rules located in the student handbook.


Additional Zoom rules:

  1. Sit in a quiet spot to minimize distractions and background noises.
  2. Always have yourself on MUTE until it is your turn to speak.
  3. Be on time.
  4. Make sure you are dressed appropriately. 
  5. You must show your face on zoom, so make sure to show video. 
  6. You must be respectful of others when speaking and/or typing in the comments.
  7. Use the "raise hand," button and I will answer your question.



  1. All students will be provided an identification badge with a picture & name. 
  2. Badges must be worn in plain sight at any time the student is out of the classroom, including community events. 
  3. Newspaper/Website badges allow the student to leave the classroom AFTER you have checked with Mrs. Ortega and attendance and assignments are completed. This badge DOES NOT guarantee you entry into other classrooms. That permission can only be granted by the classroom teacher. 
  4. This badge is a PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. Misuse of this privilege will result in LOSS of privilege AND/OR EXPULSION FROM CLASS.


“No One Has The Right To Interfere With The Learning Or Safety Of Others”.  


Disciplinary Action

  1. Verbal Warning (possible no use of technology for the day)
  2. Call home to parents/guardians (possible no use of technology)
  3. Referral to principal 

Newspaper/Website Elective

Mesa Middle School

Click here and sign the syllabus electronically

Parents: Please sign and return this bottom section to indicate that you have seen and understand the Tech Syllabus.


Student:______________________________Student Signature ___________________________Date:_________ Parent:_______________________________Parent Signature_____________________________Date:_________

Parent email address:______________________________________ 

Parent Contact number(s):_____________________________________


Please add any additional information you feel I should know about your child that is pertinent to your child’s learning and environment. 


Movie Permission Slip

At times throughout the school year we will be using movie clips in class to supplement lessons on coding, cyber bullying and or technology evolution. These movies have the possibility of having a rating of PG or PG-13. District regulations require teachers to have parental permission to show any movies rated over G in class. By signing this portion you will or will not allow your student to watch a movie with the above rating. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I will send home a note before we show any clip or movie that is PG-13.


Please check one: 

_____ I give my child, _________________, permission to watch PG/PG-13 rated movies in class. All movies are academically related and are clips. If we watch a full movie a note will be sent home to notify you before we watch it. 


_____ I do NOT give my child, _________________, permission to watch PG/PG-13 rated movies in class.


__________________________________________                     _________________

Parent Signature                                                           Date



I understand and will abide by the Las Cruces Public Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy. I further understand that any violation of these terms and conditions is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may be taken and/or appropriate legal action. 


User Signature ________________________________________________________________________


Parent or Guardian (required for any user under the age of 18)

I have read the Las Cruces Public Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that access to the Internet and other technology resources is designed for educational purposes. The Las Cruces Public Schools has taken precautions to eliminate access to controversial material; however, I also recognize it is impossible for LCPS to restrict access to all controversial materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired over the network. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s use 

is not in a school setting. I hereby give permission to allow my student access to the Internet at school and certify that the information contained in the form is correct.


Parent or Guardian’s Signature ___________________________________________________________



As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the LCPS Acceptable Use Policy and understand that access to electronic information resources is designed for educational purposes. I agree to allow my student’s work and/or photograph to be published on the school web page and or schools newsletter. 

I hereby give my permission to allow my child to construct Inter web page content and/or have his/her work included in a web page. I understand that if my child’s work is published on the Internet, it will be accessible worldwide. I also understand that is it impossible for the Las Cruces Public Schools to restrict access to all controversial materials. 


Parent or Legal Guardian Name (print): ____________________________________________________


Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________


Name of Student (print): ________________________________________________________________


Course Summary:

Date Details Due